Creativity, Activity, Service
… meaning a moment of respite from books and academic study and time to go out to people
The IB emphasizes the all-round development of the student’s personality, not just academic achievement. Equally important is the development of extracurricular skills and talents.
Creativity, Activity, Service, or CAS, is that part of the IB DP baccalaureate programme that encourages students to be broadly creative, physically active and socially engaged.
It is important to get off the school bench and do something good for yourself and others.

CAS is, for example:
CREATIVITY: regular participation in art classes: music, theatre, photography and others, participation in handicraft workshops, creating music, paintings, graphics, sculptures, learning to play a new instrument, editing the school newspaper, etc.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: regular participation in sports activities – soccer club, yoga, swimming, and others, starting a new sport, enrolling in a dance course, organizing mountain hikes, participating in runs and marathons, etc.
SERVICE, SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT: volunteering in various social welfare institutions and beyond, tutoring, collections, organizing concerts and charity events, etc.
The opportunities are many, and each of them contributes to the student’s personal development on many levels.
One of the prerequisites for the IB diploma is that the student actively and systematically participates in the CAS programme and keeps a regular record of his experiences, reflections and new skills learned from the programme.
In the implementation of the programme, the student has the support of: